Family members in Spanish

Let's learn how to say names of family members and relatives in Spanish! 

Family members in Spanish

la familia - the family
padre - father
madre - mother
el hermano - brother
la hermana - sister
el suegro - father-in-law
la suegra - mother-in-law
cuñado - brother-in-law
cuñada - sister-in-law
esposo -  husband
esposa - wife
el abuelo - grandfather
la abuela - grandmother
la mamá - mom
el papá - dad
la tía - aunt
el tío - uncle
el sobrino - nephew
la sobrina - niece
los primos - cousins
el hijo - son
la hija - daughter
el novio - fiancé
las relaciones - relationships
grandson - nieto
madrastra - stepmother
padrastro - stepfather
conocido - acquaintance (male)
conocida - acquaintance (female)
nieto - grandson
nieta - granddaughter

Family members in Spanish

Note: In all cases, names for male relatives are masculine and names for female relatives are feminine. Mixed groups use the masculine form.

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