Below is a list of English to Spanish and Spanish to English list of sports and activities in Spanish. Some of sports are not of Spanish origin, therefore, they resemble to the original name in English. So it's pretty easy to remember names of sports and activities in Spanish. Let's find out!
List of sports in Spanish
- Béisbol - Baseball
- Baloncesto - Basketball
- Ciclismo - Cycling
- Campamento - Camping
- Pesca - Fishing
- Fútbol - Football
- Correr - Running
- Kárate - Karate
- Maratón - Marathon
- Las Olimpiadas - Olympics
- Navegación - Sailing
- Salir a correr - Jogging
- Remo - Rowing
- Esquiar - Ski
- Caminar - Walk
- el ciclismo - Biking
- el billar - billiards
- el paseo en bote - boating
- el deporte de bochas - bowling
- el boxeo - boxing
- el golf - golf
- el maratón - marathon
- el skateboarding - skateboarding
- el tenis - tennis
- el windsurfing - windsurfing
- la gimnasia - gymnastics
- el triatlón - triathlon
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Names of common sports in Spanish |