Names of colors in Spanish

A list of colors in Spanish. Let's learn how to say names of common colors from English to Spanish and Spanish to English! A great list to expand your Spanish vocabulary.

Names of colors in Spanish

colors - los colores
rojo - red
anaranjado - orange
azul - blue
rosa - pink
amarillo - yellow
marrón - brown
verde - green
negro - black
violeta - violet
blanco - white
morado - purple
list of colors in Spanish
Names of colors in Spanish
Colors are adjectives. However, when they describe a noun, they must match its gender (masculine or feminine).
Red is rojo. However, it becomes roja when it describes a feminine noun. 
For example: 
La pelota roja - The red ball
Below is a list of colors and their masculine and feminine form:
  • rojo (masculine) / roja (feminine) - red
  • negro (m) / negra (f) - black 
  • blanco (m) / blanca (f) - white
  • amarillo (m) / amarilla (f) - yellow 
  • morado (m) / morada (f) - purple
Exception: Some colors stay the same for both masculine and feminine. Inlcuding:
  • naranja - orange
  • rosa - pink
  • marrón - brown
  • azul - blue
  • verde - green
  • gris - grey

How to ask what color is it in Spanish?

To ask about the color of a thing/things in Spanish, you could say:
¿De qué color es/son ___ ? - What color is/are ___?)\
You can use this instant Spanish to English translation to translate sentences and paragraphs.
For example:
¿De qué color es el carro? - What color is the car?
El carro es gris - The car is gray
¿De qué color son las flores? - Las flores son blancas.
What color are the flowers? - The flowers are white
¿Cuál es tu color favorito? - Mi color favorito es el celeste
What is your favorite color? - My favorite color is sky blue


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