In this article, we will show you how to say names of birds in Spanish. It's time to expand your vocabulary through a list of names of common birds in Spanish to English. They are all pretty easy to remember.
How to say names of birds in Spanish |
Names of birds in Spanish
Bird - Pájaro
Owl - Búho
Duck - Pato
Chicken - Pollo
Parrot - Loro
Penguin - Pingüino
Peacock - Pavo Real
Eagle - Águila
Sparrow - Gorrión
Albatross - Albatros
Falcon/Hawk - Halcón
Magpie - Urraca
Cuckoo - Cuco, Cuclillo
Dove - Paloma
Flycatcher - Papamoscas
Hummingbird - Colibrí
Pigeon - Pichón
Seagull - Gaviota
Skylark - Alondra común
Woodpecker - Pico
Swan - Cisne
Ostrich - Avestruz
Flamingo - Flamenco
If you want to know names of any birds, just tell us in the comment below, we will give you the answer!