Names of birds in Spanish

In this article, we will show you how to say names of birds in Spanish. It's time to expand your vocabulary through a list of names of common birds in Spanish to English. They are all pretty easy to remember. 

names of birds in Spanish
How to say names of birds in Spanish
Names of birds in Spanish
Bird - Pájaro 
Owl - Búho
Duck - Pato
Chicken - Pollo
Parrot - Loro
Penguin - Pingüino
Peacock - Pavo Real
Eagle - Águila
Sparrow - Gorrión
Albatross - Albatros
Falcon/Hawk - Halcón
Magpie - Urraca
Cuckoo - Cuco, Cuclillo
Dove - Paloma
Flycatcher - Papamoscas
Hummingbird - Colibrí
Pigeon - Pichón
Seagull - Gaviota
Skylark - Alondra común
Woodpecker - Pico
Swan - Cisne
Ostrich - Avestruz
Flamingo - Flamenco

If you want to know names of any birds, just tell us in the comment below, we will give you the answer!