Fruits make up a great portion of our diet. They are a good source of vitamins as well as minerals. There are numerious types of fruits in the world. Today in this lesson, we will show you a list of names of fruits in Spanish and English. Let's learn how to say names of common fruits. This list is very useful if you want to ask for any types of fruits at the market.
Names of fruits in Spanish
Names of common fruits in Spanish
Fruit - Fruta
Fruit shop - La frutería
Banana - Plátano
Apple - Manzana
Cherry - Cereza
Strawberry - Fresa
Peach - Durazno
Orange- Naranja
Apricot- Albaricoque / Damasco
Grapes- Uvas
Watermelon - Sandía
Pear - Pera
Mango - Mango
Coconut - Coco
Lemon - Limón
Kiwi — el kiwi
Kumquat — el kinoto
Lemon — el limón
Mulberry — la mora
Papaya - la papaya
Pear — la pera
Pineapple — la piña, el ananá
Plum — la ciruela
Raspberry — la frambuesa
Tomato — el tomate
Watermelon — la sandía
Remember to jot all those words down and use them regularly. Follow our site to update daily Spanish to english vocabulary, words, phrases, and grammar!