What's Spanish for Goodbye?

There are many ways to say goodbye to someone in English. So how to say Goodbye in Spanish and learn how to translate Goodbye from English to Spanish. Let's find out what words should you use when it's time to say Goodbye? 

What's Spanish for Goodbye?

There are many words and phrases that you can use to say Goodbye. Here we will show you a list of common words and phrases that you can use to say good bye in different context.

Adiós - Goodbye 
Chau - Bye! (casual)
Nos vemos - See you (casual)
Hasta mañana - See you tomorrow
Goodbye in Spanish

Hasta luego - See you later
Hasta la próxima semana - See you next week
Hasta el próximo lunes - See you next Monday
Hasta mañana - Until tomorrow / See you tomorrow
Hasta luego - Until later / See you later
Hasta pronto - Until soon / see you soon
Hasta entonces - Until then / See you then
Hasta más tarde - Until later / See you later
Te veo - I'll see you 

Some common words and phrases to say Hello in Spanish

¡Hola! - Hi! /  Hello 
Buenos días - Good morning
Buenas tardes - Good afternoon
Buenas noches - Good evening
Buen día - Good day